British Malayali Charity Foundation
9 Meyrick Road, Telford, TF1 3EN, United Kingdom
Registration number 1150804
1) to relieve those in need, by reason of their youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage living in the south Indian state of Kerala;
2) to relieve those in need, living in Britain and with financial hardship for me...See more
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BMCF General fund
9 Meyrick Rd, Wellington, Telford TF1 3EN, UK
14 Feb - 31 Dec 2024
We are one of the leading charity organisations amongst malayali communities (people from the southern state of Kerala, India) living in U.K established in order to extend a helping hand to the affected people back home, who are suffering from various medical/financial conditions from time to time. British Malayali Charitiy Foundation is a non-profitable registered charity organisation in U.K , registered under charity commission No. 1150804
BMCF has been formed as the result of the demands and outcry of readers of prominent online malayalam news portal ‘British Malayali‘. The office bearers and trustees has been elected by the AGM of the Foundation every year as per the norms and guidelines of the charity commission. We have a mass support of generous people from keralites and locals living across U.K and has been receiving tremendous response to our various appeals for financial assistance..We normally present and run the cases/stories of the needed ones through ‘British Malayali‘ online news portal to the general public and people respond to our requests individually and through associations by sending us donations. We have an excellent back-up in U.K and Kerala wherein we are able to verify and scrutinise the requests received from time to time for financial assistance-mostly related to life-threatening diseases and illnesses.
Target Goal £1000
British Malayali Charity Foundation
Project Name
General Fund
Helping beneficiaries