Friends of Early Buddhist Teachings
Bondenie, Glascoed, Pontypool, NP4 0TY, United Kingdom
Registration number SC047650
FoEBT maintains a web presence (website and Facebook group), holds zoom-based sutta study sessions, is involved with the printing of selected resources, and supports in-person meditation groups focused on early Buddhist teachings through offering stu...See more
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Social Media Volunteer
01 Oct 2023
Remote volunteering opportunity, approx. 1 hour per week.
* Make regular posts (weekly or fortnightly) to the Friends of Early Buddhist Teachings Facebook page.
* Promote FoEBT’s monthly Zoom Rooms by posting to the FoEBT Facebook page and other FB groups that will find the event of interest.
* (Optional) Join in trustee meetings to provide updates.
hrs commited
Target Goal 25 hrs
Friends of Early Buddhist Teachings
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All charitable work
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