Friends of Cricklewood Library
152 Olive Road, London, NW2 6UY, United Kingdom
Registration number 1168381
We provide a lending library and reading room service, educational and training opportunities, cultural events and a secular meeting place.
As a library we have a unique role in the community providing neutral spaces for initiatives, projects, and c...See more
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Volunteer Treasurer
152 Olive Rd, London NW2 6UX, UK
05 Mar 2020 - 11 Mar 2021
We need a new treasurer. Our current treasurer is about to change jobs, with lots more travel on the horizon, which means we need to replace her. We are looking for someone with 2 hours to spare on an average month - usually the evening of the first Thursday of the month - presenting our accounts to the management committee. Additionally, there will be some work to be done with the bookkeeper on the annual report and charity return.
hrs commited
Target Goal 30 hrs
Friends of Cricklewood Library
Project Name
Library Running Costs
Helping beneficiaries