Rees, The Care Leavers Foundation
Abberley View, Saxon Business Park, Hanbury Road, Stoke Prior Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B60 4AD, United Kingdom
Registration number 1154019
For the public benefit, to relieve by such means as are charitable, children and adults who have had foster care or residential care experience by the provision of support, advice, resources, assistance (financial or otherwise), grants, programmes an...See more
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Professional Panel Training
B604AD Worcestershire
28 Apr 2016 - 20 Oct 2020
We’re recruiting care experienced people (i.e. Care Leavers aged 18 and above) to train them to become fostering/adoption panel members. We need care experienced panel members to work with Local Authorities and Independent Agencies to help make recommendations about potential Foster Carers and Adopters
We know that people with care experience can provide diverse perspectives, and make unique and valuable contributions to the process of approving foster carers and adopters.
The training and support we provide equips care experienced people with the skills required to take on the role of a panel member, whilst acknowledging the complexities of using personal experience in a professional setting.
Overview of Training Programme
Purpose of panel
Role of panel members
Unique professional role of care experienced panel members
Reading skills & highlighting issues
Importance of reflection & self-development
Who can apply?
All adult (18+) care experienced people – with or without panel experience.
If you have a care experienced panel member already they will benefit from the support provisions and ongoing professional development.
There is an £80 fee to agencies wishing to support their care experienced panel members.
For more details please email
Our Aims
Developing excellence in practice model & raising standards
Recruiting care experienced people to become panel members
Specific & recognised training
Ongoing support – buddy system & network
Providing guidance to panels
Managing a recognised central list of care experienced panel members
Connecting panels with qualified care experienced people
Interested? If you are interested in training as a panel member or want further information, please email
Target Goal £10000
Rees, The Care Leavers Foundation
Project Name
Professional Panel Training
Helping beneficiaries