The Uganda Foundation
Apartment 35, Honduras Wharf, 14 Summer Lane, Birmingham, B19 3SA, United Kingdom
Registration number 1176019
The object of the CIO is:
the prevention or relief of poverty in Uganda by providing: grants, items and services to local charities, projects or other organizations working to prevent or relieve poverty in a sustainable way within the country.
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St Joseph Primary School
B19 3SA Birmingham
22 Aug - 31 Dec 2018
St Joseph School is situated in Ssaaza. They work to ensure that no children go hungry while at school by providing free school meals. As of May 2016, 8 out 10 children who attended school in Ssaaza didn’t eat school lunches. Malnutrition affects children’s health physical development and ability to learn. The marathon has supported St Joseph School this year with a fresh water well that has seen the savings from water bills support 10 children with school meals every day at St Joseph Primary School. But this only scratches the surface of this issue.
Target Goal £2225
The Uganda Foundation
Project Name
St Joseph Primary School
Helping beneficiaries
There are 650 students currently attending the school who will all gain from an extra vocational lesson in poultry rearing. Plus extra nutrition added to their diet through eggs and increased yields on the school farm from manure. The Uganda Marathon has already established a fresh water well at St Joesph's. The saving on water bills has lead to 10 pupils being added to the schools free meals program.