Ramadan Food Packs

by Al Hafiz Academy

Ramadan Food Packs by Al Hafiz Academy cover photo


raised by 27 donations

of £5,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

Asalamu Alaikum As previous years, now is the blessed time of the year to maximise our rewards, increase our good deeds and to help those less fortunate. As you all maybe aware for the last several years we all have been supporting our Muslim brothers and sisters in Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Kashmir. Alhamdulillah, with all your support, your Sadaqah, Zakat and Fitrana. Due to your help in the past, our volunteers have had hundreds of families approach them seeking the same support once again. Now think! Can YOU turn away these hopeful requests? Can YOU all turn this opportunity to wash away YOUR sins? Can YOU turn away this opportunity to create a shade on the Day of Judgment? Can YOU turn away this blessed opportunity to ease your hardships? 1. Sadaqah removes sins ‘’Charity extinguishes the sins like water extinguishes a fire’’ [Tirmidhi] 2. Sadaqah gives you shade on Judgement Day ‘’The believers shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity’’ [Tirmidhi] 3. Sadaqah eases hardship ‘’Give Sadaqah without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity’’ [Tirmidhi] No, you can't. No, we can't. So, recite Bismillah and click on the link to donate. Your donations will help distribute food packs to as many people in need as possible & make Eid a special day for everyone. To donate, click on this link and follow the steps as on the link: You can also donate in cash by contacting on the numbers provided or bank transfer to the following account: Name: Al Hafiz Academy Sort Code: 08-71-99 Account Number: 03527825 For any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. JazakAllah Khayr

Al Hafiz Academy

Asalamu Alaikum With the help of Allah Almighty and the grace of the Beloved of Allah, RasoolAllah صل اللہ علیہ والہ و سلم, Al Hafiz Academy will be distributing Eid Food Packs to our helpless and less fortunate Muslim brothers, sisters, orphans and widows once again this year, In Shaa Allah. Our aim is to share the blessings of this month of Ramadan and Eid with as many people as we can. *_Last year_*, with your generosity, we were able to *_help over 500 families._* *_This year,_* our aim is to help _*at least 1000 families,*_ insha Allah. How can YOU help? YOU can bring a smile to the face of an orphaned child, widow and your fellow Muslim brethren for just £40. Your donation can provide food ensuring that those living in the most desperate circumstances can feel the joy of Eid this year! Your donations will help distribute food packs to as many people in need as possible & make Eid a special day for everyone. To donate, click on this link and follow the steps as on the link: You can also donate in cash by contacting on the numbers provided or bank transfer to the following account: Name: Al Hafiz Academy Sort Code: 08-71-99 Account Number: 03527825 For any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. JazakAllah Khayr

Ramadan Food Packs: Photos

Ramadan Food Packs: Latest Donations

Anonymous donated £5.00 on 2022/4/30 at 19:27.

"need prayers for my family."

Anonymous donated £40.00+ £10.00 on 2022/4/30 at 17:49.

Anonymous donated £5.00 on 2022/4/29 at 22:26.

Anonymous donated £30.00 on 2022/4/29 at 17:27.

Anonymous donated £47.00 on 2022/4/29 at 14:49.

Jamilla donated £5.00 on 2022/4/29 at 3:35.

Anonymous donated £40.00 on 2022/4/28 at 11:59.