100 for 100 Champions

by Free To Fly

100 for 100 Champions by Free To Fly cover photo


raised by 21 donations

of £120,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

Hundreds of thousands of children each year are born into abusive relationships in the UK, so your help is critical in breaking the cycles of abuse that will continue to affect generations to come, if we don't act. Become a Free to Fly 100 for 100 Champion today! By pledging to donate £100 a month (or more), or £1200 a year, on an ongoing basis, you're making our work possible: Protecting little ones and supporting their mothers to break free, heal and raise their children to achieve all the outcomes we'd love to see healthy children achieve, is what your donation is all about! As a 100 for 100 Champion, your support enables us to cover essential, direct project costs, in a way that most grants won't. Your gifts will be put to practical use, such as to provide crash beds to women who are fleeing abuse for their first night, and to help us support them to plan their escape, so they have a clear view of what will happen next. This is all just the first step in our big vision of providing long term care for mother and child, with expectant mothers first coming to us before they're pregnant, giving us the best shot at providing them assistance to ensure they can truly break free from abuse forever. We ask for your commitment to a minimum donation each month (or year) so that we can plan ahead and ensure our staff can be paid, to ensure a continuity of service for the mothers and their children who we're here to help. If you wish to donate a smaller amount, please feel free to do so here: donate.kindlink.com/Free-To-Fly/6886 Don't forget to opt into Gift Aid where relevant, and if you're donating as a business, there are tax benefits to giving, so please discuss this with your accountant! Want to Fundraise rather than Donate? No problem! Here's how: 1) Set up a fundraising page here: kindlink.org/individual-charity-online-fundraising and select Free to Fly as your chosen cause. The system will take care of the rest, all you need to do is share your unique fundraising page link and gain support from your network. 2) Email support@freetofly.org.uk with your link and your pledge, so we can support you and grant you access to our 100 for 100 Champions community and sign you up for our 100 for 100 Champions email updates. 3) Crack on with your fundraising! We'll help you if you need ideas, via our Facebook group just for Champions like you! If you'd rather set a smaller target than £1200 within a year (or £100 a month), please go ahead and set up a fundraising page as above, although access to our 100 for 100 Champion status won't be available in these cases. Please email support@freetofly.org.uk if you'd like to support us in other ways, e.g. to set up Payroll Giving, or make a large gift via BACS. Thank you so much for your support! PS ACCESSING OUR FACEBOOK GROUP As a 100 for 100 Champion, you'll have access to a special group just for our supporters who've pledged to fundraise or donate £100 a month or £1200 a year on an ongoing basis on Facebook so you can be a part of this amazing family of supporters. Once you have donated via this page, you will receive a confirmation, with an invitation to join the Facebook group. If you're not a Facebook user, never fear! You'll also be added to our email newsletter, so you'll never miss out on what's happening, as one of our valued supporters! If you wish to share your status with others, we can provide you with some artwork for this purpose - please email support@freetofly.org.uk to request this once you have made your donation. Please note that you may only use our artwork in accordance with the guidelines that will be sent to you.

Free To Fly

Help Free to Fly raise vital funds to cover "mission critical" overheads to enable us to help us: 1) Pay a General Manager for our first project so they can help the charity to get off the ground in our first physical location. 2) Cover overheads of a premises from which we can deliver services safely (crash beds and support to prepare to leave abuse) 3) Pay staff to ensure the facility is attended safely for women to utilise it 4) Cover costs of operation such as insurance, HR, payroll etc This is just a starting point from which we hope to secure further gifts and funding, which will enable us to increase the services we offer in our first location, and from there, we intend to expand across the UK, as we are a national charity. This is our first project of many so your support, wherever you are in the UK, is essential to ensuring we can help women from across the country as soon as possible.

100 for 100 Champions: Photos

100 for 100 Champions by Free To Fly fundraising photo 1

100 for 100 Champions: Latest Donations

"The world needs more people like Nikki Tapley! God bless you many times over and all the wonderful families you are helping."

Meena donated £500.00+ £125.00 on 2024/10/23 at 1:46.