Breaking cycles of abuse for generations
by Free To Fly

raised by 7 donations
of £1,000,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
1 in 3 women experience domestic abuse while pregnant, and in many of these cases, their children also go on to experience abuse.
Studies show that a child in the womb experiences trauma from abuse being perpetrated towards their mother, and this affects them from their earliest moments of development. This has far-reaching consequences as they grow up.
At Free to Fly we are on a mission to specifically help expectant mothers to make the brave decision to keep their babies safe, by leaving their abusive partners. At the most vulnerable time in a woman's life, she deserves to have a community around her, who will rally to support her when she needs it most, not only for her sake, but for that of her child.
She may be a highly educated and successful headteacher, the leader of a thriving business, a charity leader, a senior member of local authority leadership or hold other high-powered professional roles.
She may be working full time and hiding her home life reality from colleagues, seeing work as her only respite from the abuse that's happening at home. Or she may be physically prevented or coerced to stop her from working, or in extreme cases kept under lock and key.
Often, she will have been isolated from friends and family, feeling that she is trapped in an environment where she has nobody to turn to anymore. She may not even realise that she is being abused, until perhaps it turns violent or someone close to her raises concerns.
The current system doesn't adequately support women, we know that because they have told us, time and time again.
More help is needed.
Will you help us provide a place for women to turn to for support? To fight with them for their freedom and that of their children?
Will you help us to help women who make that courageous decision to leave, and make sure they have a place to go?
There are lots of incredible charities out there doing amazing work in this space, but our focus and purpose at Free to Fly is to help the woman who is otherwise lost, to provide access to legal advice, practical resources, accommodation, love, and community, help to heal, to encourage and nurture her as a mother.
But we can't do this alone. It takes a village to raise a child. Will you be part of that village? YOUR role in this is essential. We can't do this without the community's support.
As well as providing practical and emotional help, here at Free to Fly we also want to educate the public about domestic abuse as well as supporting women as they become mothers to protect their unborn babies, bring them safely into the world, and into motherhood as they raise their children.
We want the nation to understand that we all have a part to play, and that together we can protect the next generation from trauma and cycles of abuse that will often continue for generations.
The cost of abuse to our nation in 2022-3, according to, is estimated to be in the region of £78 billion. We can do something to change this to change the individual experiences of women, their children, and future generations.
Please support our cause.
Monthly donations really help us to provide guaranteed support to the women we're here to help, so please consider signing up, even if just a small amount. You can do so on this page. If you're unable to give on an ongoing basis, a one-off donation is also hugely valuable.
If you'd like to assist our charity's work as a volunteer, we are currently seeking a trustee with experience of fundraising and grant applications, and someone who has experience of charity governance. We are also need fundraising volunteers not at trustee level, so if you'd be interested in fundraising for us, please email

Free To Fly
Please support us using the Donate buttons on this page.
You can be a part of breaking cycles of abuse for generations to come, right here, today.
Sign up to support our cause and know that every penny you give will be put to the best possible use to ensure maximum impact.
For more information please visit:
"As part of my 70th birthday raising funds and awareness for three charities, F2F being one, I shall be making donations once every four weeks until September 2025 and I shall be encouraging others to do similar"
Anonymous donated £10.20+ £2.55 on 2024/4/6 at 12:59.