Northern Cyprus mum & pups
by German Shorthaired Pointer Trust

raised by 12 donations
of £1,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
We are hoping to raise funds to help us in the final stages of supporting a GSP mum and her three pups and move them from Northern Cyprus to the UK.
Here is their story...
July 2022 - we were tagged in a post showing a female GSP in northern Cyprus, who was at the vets, looking so sad and desperate. She had been taken by a rescuer who had been helping her. This poor dog was known to have three 2-month old pups and a fourth dog who was probably a pup from a previous litter. Poor mum was ill - she had an infection and a large cyst that needed treatment and her rescuer had managed to raise the funds for her treatment. We followed her plight for a few days, while her rescuer tried to get help for the dogs from other local rescue groups. Unfortunately, all groups were already full and could not take on more dogs. The rescuer, her name is Sim, could not do more for the dogs, as an individual, with lots of cats in her own home.
Things quickly got more risky for the family because the area they were using as cover was a building site close to a holiday resort. Managers at the resort received complaints about the dogs running loose and threatened to round them up and dump them elsewhere on the island. They would be taken from cover and from an area where they were able to scavenge food. Although we knew northern Cyprus would not be an easy place to help dogs and the costs would potentially be significant , we felt help was desperately needed and we agreed to help Sim and the mum and pups.
It was hoped that some homes might have been found in northern Cyprus. Unfortunately, the only interest came from hunters and this carried a risk of the dogs being used and then dumped, just like mum had been. Inevitably, we accepted that we would try to find them loving homes in the UK, once they could travel.
SInce July, we have supported the family financially and SIm has made arrangements to ensure their health and safety, and begin the process of preparing them for eventual travel to the UK.
Finding a place (kennels/sanctuary) where the family could be moved was difficult - either due to age, lack of vaccinations or available space. Sim had a friend who agreed to keep them on his land and look after them for a few months. The dogs were rounded up and moved. Unfortunately, the older fourth pup wasn't found (and they tried over a few days).
Rescuing dogs and transporting them to the UK is expensive. Costs for these dogs have included: building materials for a small enclosure to keep them safe, vaccinations, vet transport, flea and tick protection, rabies vaccinations and the related blood tests to check for antibodies. Oh, and food (as the pups have grown, they are eating lots more). There will also be travel specific costs of crate purchase, flight tickets, customs costs and final worming treatments.
It took a while to get through all the stages needed for travel. The family had their rabies vaccinations in October and November, which meant that they could travel to the UK early March (linked to timings of the required antibody tests).
We are now in the final stages of their travel preparations, They are being measured for crates and flight tickets are hopefully going to be booked for early March. UK travel will then be worked on. We are being helped by Stephanie from Hope 4 Pets North Cyprus,
We can only add six photos to this main fundraiser post but we have added more photos, with some timings that are visible as project updates on our main German Shorthaired Pointer Trust Kindlink page-
If you would like to help us help this family of dogs who were facing a dire future - we would be grateful for every single penny received.
If you are interested in adopting one of these lovely dogs, we will have a rehoming post on our Facebook page and website, where we will outline some relevant points to their rehoming needs. Or just email us to make enquiries.
Thank you :)

German Shorthaired Pointer Trust
We are hoping to raise funds to help us in the final stages of supporting a GSP mum and her three pups and moving them from Northern Cyprus to the UK.
Lisa donated £10.00+ £2.50 on 2023/3/5 at 20:49.