Climbing Wall Fundraiser!!

by Northleaze Primary C of E School PSA

Climbing Wall Fundraiser!! by Northleaze Primary C of E School PSA cover photo


raised by 124 donations

of £3,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

The PSA would like to purchase new playground equipment for Northleaze school and to do this we are running a sponsored climbing wall event on Friday 24th May. We are hoping to raise £3000 for this event and are inviting our parents and carers and their friends, families, colleagues and businesses to help sponsor the event, if they are able to, in order to help us reach our target. The event will be run by Adventure Bristol, who will be bringing their mobile climbing wall to Northleaze for the day. Children in all year groups are invited to take part if they want to. No previous climbing experience is necessary, and the children will be climbing under full professional supervision. This is a fun and exhilarating opportunity for children to challenge themselves and perhaps step out of their comfort zones! We really appreciate your support and hope that your child will have fun taking part in the event! Please note sponsorship is voluntary. All children will be able to take part regardless of sponsorship.

Northleaze Primary C of E School PSA

Northleaze CoE Primary is a thriving, one-form entry school, educating pupils from 3 to 11 years (part of the Lighthouse Schools Partnership Trust). Following the success from previous years, the PSA have organised a climbing wall event, for all children to enjoy on the last day of term five. We are looking forward to hosting the event again this year. We would love sponsorship to help cover this event and also to help raise funds towards our project of updating and replacing some of the equipment in our wonderful outdoor space for the children to enjoy. We invite you to contribute towards this project if you are able. We would like to thank the PSA and our school community for organising this event for the children and supporting us with this project.

Climbing Wall Fundraiser!!: Photos

Climbing Wall Fundraiser!!: Latest Donations

"Well done Leon H!"

Simon donated £10.00+ £2.50 on 2024/6/6 at 20:21.

Kay donated £10.00+ £2.50 on 2024/6/6 at 13:49.

Anonymous donated £20.00+ £5.00 on 2024/6/5 at 22:21.

Gail donated £10.00+ £2.50 on 2024/6/3 at 11:34.

Anonymous donated £10.00+ £2.50 on 2024/6/3 at 11:23.

"Well done all you climbers in reception!"

Anonymous donated £10.00+ £2.50 on 2024/5/24 at 20:59.

Anonymous donated £4.00+ £1.00 on 2024/5/24 at 17:15.