Running for Yvonne: Fighting Cancer with Every Step
by Christina Roberts

raised by 75 donations
of £2,500.00 Target Goal
The Story
Did you know that anyone can get lung cancer? Even if you’re young and have never smoked.
Sadly, we learned this two years ago when our close friend, Yvonne was diagnosed with terminal, stage IV lung cancer in August 2021.
Yvonne has an advanced mutation-driven lung cancer – called ALK+ which is caused by a non-hereditary genetic mutation of the ALK gene which everyone carries; and sadly, there are many more people like her. Usually young – 30% are under 40 years of age, 50% are 50 or younger. Majority have a no smoking history. And around 90% are diagnosed at stage IV, when the cancer is incurable.
Instead of letting this tragic diagnosis define her, Yvonne has been inspired and has become a force for good. She has become a patient advocate, joined the Board of Directors of ALK Positive Inc and is a member of Lung Cancer Europe. She has become a driving force for change, advocating for others and founding Oncogene Cancer Research alongside Jan Clark, whose 20 year old daughter was also diagnosed. They are on a mission to extend the lives of those living with oncogene-driven lung cancers.
Her passion is contagious and on April 7th we will be running the Paris Marathon to raise funds for Oncogene Cancer Research, and vital research that may one day lead to a cure.
Thanks to research, lung cancers like Yvonne’s are treatable but not yet curable. Unfortunately, patients eventually develop resistance to their therapies and will run out of treatment options.
We are aware that, sadly, many of you will have been touched directly or indirectly by various other cancers - the reality is they all suck. But no donation is too small. Together let's rewrite the future for those living with lung cancer.
And even if you can’t donate, you can help us raise more awareness. Many younger or healthy people and their doctors often dismiss lung cancer symptoms for allergies, acid reflux or chest infections – delaying diagnosis.
Even by liking, commenting on and sharing posts you can help people be aware that you only need to have lungs to get lung cancer.
LinkedIn: Oncogene Cancer Research
TikTok: TikTok - Make Your Day
"Such an Important cause. Keep strong querida Yvonne! ♥️♥️♥️ "
Ruth donated £75.00 on 2024/4/23 at 20:3.