Katie's Big Sleep
by The Cart Shed Charity

raised by 3 donations
of £500.00 Target Goal
The Story
Today is World Mental Health Day. It also marks the first day of The Cart Shed’s week-long fundraising campaign the Big Sleep. We are asking our supporters to:
• Wear an item of nightwear to raise the profile of mental health
• Use the opportunity to encourage people to talk about mental health and how it impacts them
• Raise funds for The Cart Shed via Kindlink
As the organisation’s CEO I will be wearing some item of nightwear throughout the week…
Monday: In the office with my dressing gown on and walking my dog Florence
Tuesday: The Biggy! I will be accompanying Bill Jackson (Jackson Properties) around Hereford. We will both be wearing our pyjamas. I will then go to a meeting with leaders to discuss new ways of resourcing funding for Herefordshire, followed by a gathering to discuss vulnerability.
Wednesday: A Healthwatch seminar at The Kindle Centre followed by Landau’s celebration event at The Green Dragon in my dressing gown
Thursday: I’ll be in Leominster again wearing my dressing gown
Friday: My dressing gown and I hope to attend the opening of Herefordshire MIND’s Art exhibition at de Koffee Pot.
Saturday: I have a flu jab at our local surgery – a great place to encourage conversation by wearing my nightwear
Sunday: I will be attending 10am Communion in Hereford Cathedral on my final nightwear wearing excursion.
Please support me if you can, by donating or sharing this post.
Thank you.

The Cart Shed Charity
The Cart Shed charity enables adults and young people to manage their mental and physical health and wellbeing in a sustainable way.
Based in north Herefordshire we transform lives by using the principles of Occupational Therapy which helps people find meaning, purpose and a future.
Our enriching and engaging crafts based activities are run by tutors, occupational therapists and mental health practitioners in a natural woodland setting. Time at The Cart Shed enables individuals to build confidence, reduce isolation, increase self-esteem and improve their social connection and sense of belonging.
Benjamin donated £5.00+ £1.25 on 2022/10/12 at 7:29.