Running for Paige
by Jane Roberts

raised by 112 donations
of £2,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
As you all may know I am running quite a lot at the moment. The last year has been undescribable, living without our beautiful daughter Paige. We have to learn how to live our lives without her.
Running has helped me cope although, maybe, I am a little obsessive. Last year I couldn’t run 5K without stopping. Now I have done several 10K runs and 3 half marathons. So far we have raised over £10,000 for Mind. Paige’s friends have also fundraised.
I decided to run the Amsterdam Marathon in October and would like to raise money for a local charity. A fellow runner has been through similar circumstances and lost his daughter in 2019. He is very passionate about a local mental health charity called The Cart Shed which is quite local to us.
It offers opportunities to try something new and improve well-being in a supportive environment. It’s like Forest School for adults. I think Paige would have approved.
A marathon is 26 miles, a mile for every year of Paige’s life. She fitted so much into those 26 years. Her friends said she used to say, “I’m here for a good time, not a long time.” How true was that.
I know I’m asking for money again but after starting the mammoth training regime, at 62 this will be my first and last marathon, please give something if you can.
Chris and Clive donated £50.00+ £12.50 on 2022/10/28 at 14:25.