Founding Sponsorship
by Vox Urbane

raised by 5 donations
of £50,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
Our general project which can be used to fund-raise on our website and for general Dear Friends,
We founded Vox Urbane after spending the last quarter-century carving out careers in classical music. It is an industry that we are passionate about, and cannot imagine being on the outside of. Singing has shaped us, it is part of who we are, and we have been fortunate to be helped on our journey by family, friends and colleagues. Nevertheless, the nagging elitism that exists in classical music, and particularly in choirs, has long been a cause for concern to us, each for our own individual reasons. Singing touches everyone, it must not be a club for those from privileged backgrounds, one which the majority is not invited to join. Currently only 8% of professional musicians are from working class backgrounds, 4% are from communities of colour, and women are significantly outnumbered by men in positions of power and influence.
Vox Urbane has a mission to tackle these stark inequalities. We have brought together a team of professional singers, each an outstanding artist in their own right, and who individually speak to the core values of the group: diversity and inclusion. However, this is only part of our story. We are also actively seeking out and training young singers for the future, both through Vox Next Gen, our young artists training programme for aspiring singers aged 18-24, and Vox Roots, our outreach scheme for school aged singers. Only by inspiring, nurturing and training singers of diversity for the future can we hope to change the narrative in classical music, for everyone.
Vox Urbane is unique. Whilst there are already instrumental groups with comparable missions, no other vocal ensembles exist which fulfil this purpose.
As a newly registered UK charity, Vox Urbane relies heavily on the generosity of its supporters, without whom it would not be possible to realise our vision to bring greater diversity to classical music. Please consider becoming a Founding Supporter which will enable us to establish a sustainable funding base for the future.
Helen Meyerhoff and Dan Ludford-Thomas

Vox Urbane
Vox Urbane is a professional vocal ensemble with diversity at its heart. The co-founders: Dan Ludford-Thomas and Helen Meyerhoff, have worked professionally in classical music collectively for more than fifty years. They have a vision in which all aspiring and gifted musicians regardless of background, can see a tangible and exciting future for themselves as performers, conductors and composers. Vox Urbane performs canonical repertoire, whilst also introducing new works to recontextualise and make relevant choral music for new and developing audiences. Its team of professional singers have been selected to represent its core values and are artists of the highest calibre.
In tandem with an agenda of creating new works and generating a platform for singers and musicians of diversity, Vox Urbane seeks to nurture a new wave of classical talent.
Vox Urbane is unique. Whilst there are already instrumental groups with comparable missions, no other vocal ensembles exist which fulfil this purpose.
Founding Sponsorship: Latest Donations