A Christmas Gift
by Brighton Women's Centre

raised by 19 donations
of £2,500.00 Target Goal
The Story
BWC can provide a place of safety and support for women in Sussex so they know they are not alone this Christmas.
But we need your help.
This Christmas we need your help to support vulnerable women who are living with fear, insecurity and loneliness.
Your gift will change a woman's life.
Last Christmas, in the middle of the pandemic, 21 year old Hannah* was thrown out of her home by her controlling and violent husband. Hannah didn’t have anywhere to go and spent the night sleeping in a park. She was alone and afraid, and a chronic health condition made sleeping rough even more dangerous for her.
Hannah owns a flat with her husband and had always contributed to the mortgage and bills. She was supposed to be starting a new job but her husband refused to let her come home or collect any of her things.
Distressed, exhausted and tearful, Hannah saw her GP who was very concerned about her health and wellbeing. She urgently needed somewhere safe and warm to stay. But her application for emergency accommodation had been rejected because she was part owner of a property.
Trained BWC staff and volunteers are on hand to offer specialist support.
Hannah’s GP referred her to BWC and we spoke to the local authority on her behalf to secure a bed in emergency accommodation. She was also referred to the BWC foodbank and we helped her to apply for emergency funding in order to buy bedding, some clean clothes and essential toiletries.
Hannah still cannot go home. But she is not alone. BWC is a safe place where she can get practical assistance and advice from trained staff and specialist emotional support through our Therapy Service to help her recover from her traumatic experiences. With BWC’s support she will be able to build on her own strengths to take back control of her life and move forward in the ways she had planned and hoped for.
Please donate to BWC today so that women like Hannah know they are not alone.
Why do we need your help?
Every year BWC is helping more and more women like Hannah who are survivors of abuse and sexual violence, women who are homeless and insecurely housed, women dealing with mental health issues and those living in poverty.
The last two years have been so challenging for women and BWC has seen a huge rise in referrals to our services - highlighting the importance of having a safe place to get help and support.
We rely on public funding to provide this FREE support. That’s why we need your help to raise at least £2,500 this Christmas. Every donation can help us create a safe space for women and could also provide many of the essential items women like Hannah need in emergency accommodation.
£3 could provide basic toiletries such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, shower gel, period products and toilet paper.
£10 could pay for 10 women to receive food, toiletries and menstrual products from our food bank.
£25 could pay for new bedding as it isn’t always provided in emergency accommodation.
£35 could provide a warm coat or extra layers to keep warm throughout winter.
£50 could pay for a counselling session for a woman who is looking for specialist emotional support.
£69 could pay for a smart phone enabling a woman to be safe and stay in contact with essential support services.
£90 could train a volunteer to answer our Women Supporting Women phone line to offer women emotional support, advice, information and referrals to other BWC services.
Your gift could help provide a place of safety and support for women like Hannah this Christmas.
Please donate today.
* name changed to protect her identity

Brighton Women's Centre
BWC can provide a place of safety and support for women in Sussex so they know they are not alone this Christmas.
But we need your help.
This Christmas we need your help to support vulnerable women who are living with fear, insecurity and loneliness.
Your gift will change a woman's life.
Last Christmas, in the middle of the pandemic, 21 year old Hannah* was thrown out of her home by her controlling and violent husband. Hannah didn’t have anywhere to go and spent the night sleeping in a park. She was alone and afraid, and a chronic health condition made sleeping rough even more dangerous for her.
Hannah owns a flat with her husband and had always contributed to the mortgage and bills. She was supposed to be starting a new job but her husband refused to let her come home or collect any of her things.
Distressed, exhausted and tearful, Hannah saw her GP who was very concerned about her health and wellbeing. She urgently needed somewhere safe and warm to stay. But her application for emergency accommodation had been rejected because she was part owner of a property.
Trained BWC staff and volunteers are on hand to offer specialist support.
Hannah’s GP referred her to BWC and we spoke to the local authority on her behalf to secure a bed in emergency accommodation. She was also referred to the BWC foodbank and we helped her to apply for emergency funding in order to buy bedding, some clean clothes and essential toiletries.
Hannah still cannot go home. But she is not alone. BWC is a safe place where she can get practical assistance and advice from trained staff and specialist emotional support through our Therapy Service to help her recover from her traumatic experiences. With BWC’s support she will be able to build on her own strengths to take back control of her life and move forward in the ways she had planned and hoped for.
Please donate to BWC today so that women like Hannah know they are not alone.
Why do we need your help?
Every year BWC is helping more and more women like Hannah who are survivors of abuse and sexual violence, women who are homeless and insecurely housed, women dealing with mental health issues and those living in poverty.
The last two years have been so challenging for women and BWC has seen a huge rise in referrals to our services - highlighting the importance of having a safe place to get help and support.
We rely on public funding to provide this FREE support. That’s why we need your help to raise at least £2,500 this Christmas. Every donation can help us create a safe space for women and could also provide many of the essential items women like Hannah need in emergency accommodation.
£3 could provide basic toiletries such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, shower gel, period products and toilet paper.
£10 could pay for 10 women to receive food, toiletries and menstrual products from our food bank.
£25 could pay for new bedding as it isn’t always provided in emergency accommodation.
£35 could provide a warm coat or extra layers to keep warm throughout winter.
£50 could pay for a counselling session for a woman who is looking for specialist emotional support.
£69 could pay for a smart phone enabling a woman to be safe and stay in contact with essential support services.
£90 could train a volunteer to answer our Women Supporting Women phone line to offer women emotional support, advice, information and referrals to other BWC services.
Your gift could help provide a place of safety and support for women like Hannah this Christmas.
Please donate today.
* name changed to protect her identity
Chris donated £245.00 on 2022/1/13 at 8:20.