The Canopy Project
by Earth Day Network

raised by 125 donations
of $15,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
Earth Day Network’s Canopy Project works worldwide to strengthen communities through tree planting. Earth Day Network targets areas of the world most in need of reforestation, including some of the world’s poorest communities.

Earth Day Network
Earth Day Network’s Canopy Project works worldwide to strengthen communities through tree planting. Using agroforestry, sapling distribution and tree care training, we empower organizations and citizens to conserve, repair, and restore tree cover to their lands. Earth Day Network targets areas of the world most in need of reforestation, including some of the world’s poorest communities; and land degraded by logging, fires, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes. Our projects also focus on environmentally critical areas such the Amazon rainforest and the Boreal Forest.
Trees provide food, energy and income, helping communities achieve long-term economic and environmental sustainability. Trees also filter the air and help reverse the impacts of climate change. In just one year, a mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen as 10 people inhale!
Since 2010, Earth Day Network has planted tens of millions of trees. Our goal for the 50 anniversary of Earth Day in 2020 is to plant 7.8 billion trees, one for every person on earth.
The Canopy Project: Latest Donations