Festive eCard Donations
by Free UK Genealogy

raised by 3 donations
of £150.00 Target Goal
The Story
More and more people are moving away from sending Christmas Cards and are donating to charity the money they would have spent on cards and the postage. We would be delighted if you chose us to donate to this year.
Simply follow the instructions and don’t forget to share with anyone else you think would be interested! If you do choose to donate to Free UK Genealogy this year, we thank you for your kind support. Season’s Greeting from all at Free UK Genealogy!

Free UK Genealogy
More and more people are moving away from sending Christmas Cards and are donating to charity the money they would have spent on cards and the postage. We would be delighted if you chose us to donate to this year.
Simply follow the instructions and don’t forget to share with anyone else you think would be interested! If you do choose to donate to Free UK Genealogy this year, we thank you for your kind support. Season’s Greeting from all at Free UK Genealogy!
Anonymous donated £5.00 on 2020/12/16 at 11:53.