Supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence and abuse.
by Phoenix Womens Aid

raised by 161 donations
of £100,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
Phoenix WoMen’s Aid supports women, men and child victims and survivors of Domestic Violence and Human Rights Abuses. Our staff have over 20 years Women’s Aid experience and expertise in the field of Domestic Violence and community based work. We deliver the following services (this list is not exhaustive) and operate both during and outside office hours through drop in, appointments, outreach, telephone or electronic communications:-
- Integrative Counselling for Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence and Abuse (includes CBT, systemic and person-centred);
- Practical Advice, Advocacy and Support, this includes sourcing emergency accommodation, attending court, providing reports, assisting with legal documentation, attending appointments and meetings, telephone advice and support including benefits / housing etc, contributing to MARAC and Early Help processes;
- Supervised and Supported Child Contact;
- Specialist Immigration advice and support regulated by the Office of the Immigration Commissioner;
- ESOL, Life in the UK and Driving Theory classes for individuals from the ethnic minority community;
- Training for adults – Freedom Programme, Power to Change, Solihull Parenting Programme (funded by the Big Lottery Awards for All), Conflict Management, Relationship Safety, Creative Art Classes;
- Educational Programmes for Children and Young People – Helping Hands and FisT (funded by Children In Need), Freedom Programme;
- Holistic Therapies;
- Clinical Supervision Services:
- Peer Support;
- Volunteering Opportunities;
- Placement Opportunities for Professionals

Phoenix Womens Aid
Our services include advice, counselling, advocacy, training, office-based and out in the community 7 days a week. Our general project which can be used to fund-raise on our website and for general appeals.
Supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence and abuse.: Latest Donations