by Quba Trust

raised by 10 donations
of £10,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
The role of the Mosques has always been vital in the social, moral and educational uplifting of the Muslim community. In Prophetic times the Masjid was not only a place of sanctuary and prayer but also a thriving educational institution and lay at the heart of the society.
Quba Trust likes donors of Masjids to be fully involved in the project from sharing with them the initial plans for a Masjid to construction and completion.

Quba Trust
The role of the Mosques has always been vital in the social, moral and educational uplifting of the Muslim community. In Prophetic times the Masjid was not only a place of sanctuary and prayer but also a thriving educational institution and lay at the heart of the society.
Quba Trust likes donors of Masjids to be fully involved in the project from sharing with them the initial plans for a Masjid to construction and completion.
Mosques: Latest Donations