All charitable work
by RAFT Institute

raised by 0 donations
of £1,338,520.00 Target Goal
The Story
As researchers at RAFT we continue working hard to transform lives globally. We are not basking in the light of self-praise and we strongly feel the responsibility of all those lives desperately waiting for us to come to the rescue.
We receive no government grants, many accessible only after we grow to a minimum of 10 researchers. We need to grow. We want to grow. But we urgently need funds.
We managed to work hard with a tight budget and we still deliver excellence on a shoestring. Now, we desperately need to replace some of our equipment, as they are very old and spare parts for repairs are no longer available. We need to purchase more bio-materials and consumables to keep our research going at speed. We need to scale up our work and grow as a team with complementary expertise available.
All this is expensive and without sufficient funding, we won’t be able to achieve any significant results, let alone allow RAFT to survive as an organisation.
Each one of us researchers has committed years of studies with the love and support of our families and mentors. We are all driven by the strong and genuine desire of helping others. We could have chosen an easier way, perhaps staying in Academia and put prestigious titles to accompany our names. Or get well-paid jobs in some pharmaceutical or biotech company. Instead we have chosen RAFT because we provide real, tangible results, and we can express the best of ourselves, as human beings and as scientists.
Make your gift to RAFT for research solutions TODAY!
As we heal and enhance the lives of many, many more like yourself benefit from a world that is scar-free and where pain is reduced to the very minimum if not eliminated altogether. We bring people together: families, carers, patients, doctors, surgeons and researchers - a living continuum of individuals and institutions linked by dedication to science and ambition for a better, healthier and pain-free world for all.
We promised you we would continue to strive for innovative solutions and we have done so. But making them available to the wider world through commercialisation doesn’t happen overnight, often due to long clinical trials requiring adherence to strict protocols. And without adequate funding, we struggle to continue focusing on the research that makes it all possible.
Never like today have we been in such dire need for further funding. Please, give generously. Together we can make RAFT Research Results a reality. TODAY.

RAFT Institute
Our general project which can be used to fund-raise on our website and for general appeals
All charitable work: Latest Donations