Queen's Platinum Jubilee Yarnbombers Celebration
by The Mudlarks Community

raised by 114 donations
of £5,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
To celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Yarnbombers are supporting The Mudlarks Community. Mudlarks is Hertford’s charity, that supports local adults living with learning difficulties and mental health concerns. Mudarks now offers therapy, training and work experience to 161 people each week. The Mudlarks Community is awash with positivity, laughter and friendship and we are proud to show our support and to highlight the brilliance of skills and work ethic of people living with a disability when they are given the opportunity to learn and work within our wonderful community.

The Mudlarks Community
To celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Yarnbombers are supporting The Mudlarks Community. Mudlarks is Hertford’s charity, that supports local adults living with learning difficulties and mental health concerns. Mudarks now offers therapy, training and work experience to 161 people each week. The Mudlarks Community is awash with positivity, laughter and friendship and we are proud to show our support and to highlight the brilliance of skills and work ethic of people living with a disability when they are given the opportunity to learn and work within our wonderful community.
Anonymous donated £20.00+ £5.00 on 2022/7/9 at 17:8.