Bulgarian Informational Cybersecurity Center logo

Bulgarian Informational Cybersecurity Center

icon-location 149 Georgi S Rakovski str., Sofia, 1000, Bulgaria

icon-charity Registration number 206817281

icon-phone +359890969669

icon-email info@bicc.bg


Bulgarian Cyber ​​Security Information Center / BIC / UIC: 206817281 is a non-profit legal entity that operates only for the benefit of society! The main goals of the association are: - Protection of children in cyberspace; - Improving public awaren...See more
Fundraiser to buy laptops and multimedia projector for the NGO

Fundraiser to buy laptops and multimedia projector for the NGO

opportunity-location ulitsa „Georgi S. Rakovski“ 149, 1000 Old City Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
opportunity-dates 17 Feb - 01 Jun 2022
Our non-profit NGO is opening this fundraiser to ask for donations to buy office laptops and multimedia projector so we will be able to execute our main goals: - Protection of children in cyberspace; - Improving public awareness of the threats and consequences of cyber attacks and cybercrime; - Conducting public seminars, lectures and trainings on cybercrime and methods for their prevention;
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal €3000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Project Name

All charitable work

Helping beneficiaries


opportunity-location-logo Location