Bulgarian Informational Cybersecurity Center logo

Bulgarian Informational Cybersecurity Center

icon-location 149 Georgi S Rakovski str., Sofia, 1000, Bulgaria

icon-charity Registration number 206817281

icon-phone +359890969669

icon-email info@bicc.bg


Bulgarian Cyber ​​Security Information Center / BIC / UIC: 206817281 is a non-profit legal entity that operates only for the benefit of society! The main goals of the association are: - Protection of children in cyberspace; - Improving public awaren...See more


Fundraiser to buy laptops and multimedia projector for the NGO

Fundraiser to buy laptop...

Supporting Fundraiser to b...
by Bulgarian Informationa...
ulitsa „Georgi S. Rakovski“ 14...
2022/02/17 - 2022/06/01
3000 EUR needed
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