Hertfordshire Chorus
16 Waverley Road, St Albans, AL3 5PA, United Kingdom
Registration number 281627
Hertfordshire Chorus is one of the UK’s finest symphonic choirs, known for its high quality, passionate singing, its innovative programming and its commission of new music,
Under the musical direction of David Temple MBE, one of the UK’s leading cho...See more
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This is a test of the update system. Mary
Quick Statistics
Income £ 93,480Total income in the last financial year.
Expenditure £ 80,565Total expenditure in the last financial year.
Projects 0Number of projects currently being implemented.
Employees 0Number of staff employed in the last financial year.
Volunteers 120Number of people who volunteered in the last financial year.
Update Score 0.25Number of updates divided by the number of projects. The higher the number, the better!