New Life (Suffolk)
4 Pochard close, Stowmarket, IP14 5EX, United Kingdom
Registration number 1074780
(1) the advancement of the christian religion in particular but not exclusively by the proclamation of the gospel of jesus christ in all of its fullness by means of church services, revival meetings, crusades, printed matter and audio visual materi...See more
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2023 has been a busy year with households continually being hit with rising bills & increases in food prices. Demand on the food bank went up 8.4% in 2023. We have people needing support from all areas of the community; Food poverty can effect every...See more

We continue to be so blown away by your generous support. Your desire to help those in our local community who are struggling financially has been so amazing, whether you are a regular supporter or a one off donator we really appreciate your gift.
A...See more

In 2022 we sent out 1428 emergency food parcels, in the first 6 months of 2023 we have already sent out 859 food parcels which shows the big increase. Thank you to you all our supporters, we could not have managed to support so many people without y...See more

The first few months of 2023 have been extremely busy with households being hit with rises in energy bills and food prices. Last year we set up our “pop up shop” to help those who are struggling to manage or those wanting to reduce food waste, offeri...See more

We want to say a massive thank you to you all for your continued giving, your generous donations have enabled us to purchase additional stocks, which has been vita lover these last few months. As food prices have soared so have the numbers of familie...See more

2022 was our busiest year ever with more families & individuals reaching out for support. The cost of living rises have seen many people in our area struggling. Our pop up shop, at the Catholic centre, has nearly been running for a year & has seen ap...See more

The summer holidays are now starting which although can be an exciting for some families, for others the thought of the 6 weeks off school can bring dread & added pressure. Many families rely on school for free school meals, childcare & activities th...See more

A massive thankyou to the Bring your own boat team & all their supporters. They made a fantastic raft & put in a valiant effort despite the cold. Thankyou to everyone who donated to the Foodbank, we really appreciate your support.

Looking forward to race day on Sunday!!! Good luck to all the rowers. A massive thank you to the team, the builders & all the supporters.

With the cost of living increases we have seen a rise in families & individuals needing help, many of them never imagined that they would need support from a foodbank. Each one is blown away by the generous food parcels, only made possible by our ama...See more

2021 was a busy year for us, with the increases in energy bills putting more pressure on many already stretched budgets we are expecting the early part of the 2022 to put added demand on the Foodbank. We are so grateful for our generous supporters, w...See more

We are in the middle of delivering out our 130 Christmas hampers, these are in addition to the referred emergency food parcels, that are sadly still very much needed. We continue to be blown away by everyone's generosity through Kindlink & food donat...See more

All the Harvest festival & Kind link donations have come in at the perfect time, we are always so blessed by the generosity of local people. We are gearing up for a busy season with the drop in universal credit support, increase in energy prices & th...See more

The summer is well under way & things have been busy in the foodbank. The foodbank warehouse has moved locations, to a bigger premises In Stowmarket & our office remains at the Stowmarket community centre. We now have the space to store all our stock...See more

The demand for food parcels has slowed down slightly, with children returning to school, people coming off furlough & the warmer weather finally arriving. Your ongoing support has enabled us to get through the difficult times. Since the beginning of ...See more

Thanks for all your generous support during April, last month we have been able to feed 211 people. Your donations have been a lifeline to many..... during the first four months of this year with our supporters help we have delivered food parcels to ...See more

Can you believe that we are in April already? Demand for food parcels remained the same in March with 120 food parcels given out. These food parcels contain enough food for 1 week & include toiletries, nappies, pet food & cleaning products if require...See more

2021 continues to be busy, So far this year we have given out 357 food parcels. This equates to approx 1071 local people receiving emergency support. Thanks for all your donations which help with delivery costs & buying additional goods such as baby ...See more

Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to the Stowmarket foodbank recently. Your generous donations are helping us continue meet the increase in demand due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic & the recent cold weather.
Since the beginning of the...See more

Despite the snow & ice the team are still out delivering food parcels all across the local area. We have delivered out 40 food parcels so far this month. Many thanks for your continued support.

In January 2021 Stowmarket foodbank gave out 129 food parcels to families & individuals in crisis. This means that with your support we were able to feed 304 people in our local area. Last January we gave out 89 food parcels so looks like this year ...See more

Stowmarket foodbank covers Stowmarket & all the surrounding villages, due to the rural locations, lack of transport & very limited finances of the people we are supporting we deliver 99% of our parcels. This part of our service is vital especially wi...See more

January is off to a flying start! 68 food parcels in 2 weeks! We really appreciate everyone's ongoing support.
Monetary donations are always useful as they help us purchase items we may be short of, "free from" products, baby milk & nappies. Donatio...See more

During December we delivered out 137 food parcels, which means that we were able to provide food & support to 381 local people. During 2020 we delivered out a total of 1315 food parcels & 120 christmas hampers, this is quite an increase from the 900...See more

So far this month we have given out 56 emergency food parcels to families & individuals in crisis.

Stowmarket and area Foodbank is a charity which serves families and individuals in times of crisis.
It is heart breaking to hear some of the stories of the people who need help from the Foodbank.
People need help for all sort of reasons, bereavemen...See more
Quick Statistics
Income £ 0Total income in the last financial year.
Expenditure £ 0Total expenditure in the last financial year.
Projects 0Number of projects currently being implemented.
Employees 0Number of staff employed in the last financial year.
Volunteers 0Number of people who volunteered in the last financial year.
Update Score 6.5Number of updates divided by the number of projects. The higher the number, the better!