Nour Al-Sham Foundation
475a, Coventry Road, Birmingham, B10 0TJ, United Kingdom
Registration number 1172524
1. to advance the religion of Islam across the UK by means of, but not exclusively, promoting the teachings and tenants of Islam, provision of facilities for worship and Islamic education, in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and of the prop...See more
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Mashallah... A very big thanks for all of your support my dear brothers and sisters ... may almighty Allah accept all of your good deeds.

نداء للأخوة والأخوات الذين لم يدفعوا زكاة الفطر بعد ..

Make chane for them pls even 1 p

We promise you brothers and sisters to link you directly to the orphans so you could chat with them directly with your kids (in case full year sponsorship).

يرجى من الاخوة المتبرعين إجراء عملية تحديث للصفحة قبل إعادة المحاولة في حال عدم نجاح العملية .. pls refresh the web before you retry to pay .
May Allah accept your generous donation ..

يرجى من الأخوة المتبرعين الأكارم إجراء عملية تحديث للصفحة في حال عدم نجاح العملية قبل المحاولة ثانية .. تقبل الله من الجميع .. pls refresh the web before you try again ..

يا باغي الخير أقبل .. ولا تخش من ذي العرش إقلالا ..

May Allah accept all of your good deeds my brothers and sisters .. may Allah doubles all of your rewards.

May Allah rewards all brothers and sisters who donated generously, we appeal for more help and donation my brothers and sister to complete our aim soon inshallah .. we hope to get more sadaqah Jariah inshallah from your side ..

May Allah accept all of your zakat and donations my brothers and sisters ... just to let you know that all of your zakat has been received in Syria .. Alhamdulillah.

Bring your Brothers and sisters in Syria to life by giving Zakat Alfitr, May Allah reward you doubles.

Baraka Allah Bikom Sister Ghaida
Quick Statistics
Income £ 81,000Total income in the last financial year.
Expenditure £ 81,500Total expenditure in the last financial year.
Projects 0Number of projects currently being implemented.
Employees 0Number of staff employed in the last financial year.
Volunteers 10Number of people who volunteered in the last financial year.
Update Score 0.82Number of updates divided by the number of projects. The higher the number, the better!
Donation Impact
£20 For one orphan
£50 For Family of two orphans and their mother