Nour Al-Sham Foundation
475a, Coventry Road, Birmingham, B10 0TJ, United Kingdom
Registration number 1172524
1. to advance the religion of Islam across the UK by means of, but not exclusively, promoting the teachings and tenants of Islam, provision of facilities for worship and Islamic education, in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and of the prop...See more
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Emergency & Winter Appeal (Syria)(Edlib)
28 Dec 2019 - 25 Jan 2020
Nour Al-Sham Foundation
appealing for emergency & winter help and aid for newly displaced people from Marratul Nu'man city due to the fighting over there... there is a huge lack of food, drink, shelters & medications between the new displaced people on the other side the heavy winter in Syria arrived to increase their suffering .. We are planning to provide them blankets, Shelters, food & drink as an emergency help until they could survive with their little kids.
Target Goal £5000
Nour Al-Sham Foundation
Project Name
Emergency & Winter Appeal (Syria)(Edlib)
Helping beneficiaries
poor families