Ranelagh School PTA
Ranelagh Drive, Bracknell, RG12 9DA, United Kingdom
Registration number 1125897
Ranelagh School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is run by parent and staff volunteers who organise events and fundraising activities to help raise money for Ranelagh School. We are a registered charity that is separate from, though very much complem...See more
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Learn more what is happening in the philanthropy space here

Thanks to the generosity of all our supporters over the past term, the PTA has been able to commit this week to spending an additional £9,000 on equipment that will benefit every Ranelagh pupil in some way. We have paid for some new music software, n...See more

End of term update - we committed to raising a total of £13,000 towards four fundraising initiatives at the start of the year and we’re delighted to say that we have raised a total of £13,966 this year from fundraising activities so we did it!
We’r...See more

We've recently added £201.30 to the Curriculum Projects fundraising pot thanks to the Bags2School collection last Friday. Thanks to Liz Flanagan and Helen Nestle Fox for organising the collection and storing all the donations. Thanks too to the fami...See more

We've recently added £250 to boost each of the 4 fundraising pots from the this term's Second Hand Uniform Sales. Thanks so much to Emma Barnard and Helen Nestle Fox especially for giving families one-to-one assistance during the restrictions. You've...See more

A big thank you to our Quiz Night supporters - you've helped to raise an amazing £601.80 profit for our fundraising goals! Thanks so much to Simon and Lucy Hutson for such a brilliant night!

Our most recent windfall from Amazon Smile has given each of our 4 fundraising pots an extra £31.32 - so thanks for all our Amazon shoppers for having Ranelagh
School PTA as your chosen charity - it all adds up!

Thanks so much to our recent Facebook market sellers - you've given us an additional £65.00 for each of our 4 fundraising projects!

We're delighted that 7 Facebook sellers have renewed their advertising on the PTA Facebook Group, giving £35 to each of our 4 projects.
Quick Statistics
Income £ 0Total income in the last financial year.
Expenditure £ 0Total expenditure in the last financial year.
Projects 0Number of projects currently being implemented.
Employees 0Number of staff employed in the last financial year.
Volunteers 0Number of people who volunteered in the last financial year.
Update Score 1Number of updates divided by the number of projects. The higher the number, the better!