Starfish Greathearts Foundation
30 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7PG, United Kingdom
Registration number 1093862
Starfish provides crisis intervention and holistic care services for children made vulnerable and orphaned by HIV/AIDS and poverty in South Africa. We also provide training for local partners and volunteer caregivers to enable them to deliver better ...See more
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12 year old Linathi Dludlu joined Good Guys Club last year, as a vulnerable boy with very low self-esteem. When he joined the Good Guys club he had trouble communicating and interacting with the other boys in his grade and came across as unfriendly ...See more

read more than one storytime in our Autumn newsletter or watch the video in this post to read about some of the ways Starfish has most recently been able to assist vulnerable children in South ...See more

Starfish is proud to announce a new food distribution model, which we hope will help alleviate some of the problems of food insecurity. Starfish is now buying food in bulk from supermarkets, and distributing this food directly with our partners on th...See more

Last year Starfish funded the refurbishment of Woza Moya’s new Art and Craft Centre. This Centre creates a safe space for children and young adults to learn new skills and heal from trauma.
Their Classes are currently attended by 75 children aged 6-...See more

Today, we are sharing some statistics surrounding pregnancy and motherhood in South Africa.
These stats contextualise the importance of the work that is done by the Maternal Health Programme for young mothers experiencing unwanted and unplanned preg...See more

Following our Chooseday post, we are now going to share an amazing story of a mother and baby who were cared for by the Maternal Health Programme.
Thunyiwe Sokhela, the Maternal Health Programme’s Project Coordinator was asked to visit the home of ...See more

The Maternal Health Programme:
“I thank God for the antenatal classes and that we have been able to sustain this programme. Local clinics don’t have the capacity to provide extra care and support like us so I really feel that our programme is vital t...See more

Many women find themselves particularly vulnerable when they fall pregnant, young girls are often rejected by their families and fathers often refuse to take responsibility or provide any emotional support. On top of this, many of these women and th...See more

Food Farming Festival:
All of our partners emphasise the importance of 'growing your own' food and maintaining community gardens to improve health outcomes for the children we care for. Food insecurity has heightened due to the COVID-19 pandemic and...See more

Sanitary pad distribution makes a huge impact:
Woza Moya hosted health education sessions for 400 girls at four schools across the Ufafa Valley. The girls were taught about puberty and menstruation and given reusable sanitary pads. It is common for ...See more

Paseka’s Story
Paseka often wondered why her family had been cursed. Paseka never knew her father, but she remembers her mother cursing him as she lay on her deathbed. Paseka was just four years old when her mum died, leaving her and her two younge...See more

As South Africa faces rising COVID-19 infections, the country has gone into lock down for 3 weeks in an effort to control its spread. Our beneficiaries are amongst the most vulnerable and will be made even more vulnerable in the face of COVID-19. We ...See more

7.5 million people in South Africa are currently living with HIV, making it one of the countries with the highest HIV prevalence in the world. An estimated 240,000 of whom are children. Starfish provides support and information not only to children a...See more

The Community Care Givers at Woza Moya have conducted 810 household visits so far this year. They have provided early childhood stimulation, educational support, counselling, information, care and supplies and have made referrals for access to furthe...See more

We have 3 places left to cycle the Ride London 100 with us on the 29th July. Give these guys the chance they deserve to thrive! Get in touch ASAP to grab your place!

60 children and 40 of their family members at one of our partner creches spent the afternoon taking part in a Dental Hygiene workshop which showed them how to brush and look after their teeth and mouths. They all received toothbrushes and toothpaste ...See more

Bheka is 8 years old and enjoys primary school a lot. A Child and Youth Care Worker from our partner organization visited Bheka as he has been sick for a long time. His mother has been too scared to take him to a clinic but the Care Worker encouraged...See more

On a crèche visit the Wellness Wagon nurse noticed a five year old girl wasn’t playing with her peers. The teacher said that the child had come to school looking sick. The nurse examined her, diagnosing her with a fever and signs of kwashiorkor. The ...See more

In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly recognised happiness as a fundamental human goal, and called for economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples. From this, the International Day of Hapiness was born. At starfi...See more

Sifiso has had a very rough childhood, abandoned by his mom as an infant, his aunt had to raise him.The family face many challenges, including unemployment and alcoholism.
He now lives with his Aunt, her boyfriend and his two cousins in a rented one-...See more

Take a look at some of the great work our partners are doing in South Africa!
#FridayFeeling #SouthAfrica #Change #MakeaDifference

Starfish are hosting the annual Breakfast Run and Picnic and to celebrate Valentines Day, get half price on your second entry when buying a ticket between the 10th and the 17th! Join us on the 4th of March and help orphaned children in South Africa! ...See more

During a routine health-monitoring visit by one of our Lay Counsellors at our partner Thandanani, it was discovered that 15-Year-old Bheka who is HIV positive had started to default on his treatment. He told our Counsellor that he was very angry and ...See more

“the support I receive in the form of groceries is a great help as I am not employed. My children now have food for breakfast every morning and the sanitary pads are really appreciated by my daughter.” Mother of 2 boys and a girl supported by Starfi...See more

Just £5.50 per month provides a top-to-toe health care for one child from the Starfish Wellness Wagon

Happy Happy New Year! Good luck and may your 2018 be full of love, happiness and good health. Last year you have helped us help over 15,000 children, from the bottom of our hearts thank you!

Tomorrow marks World AIDS Day 2017. Join Starfish and support South Africa's children orphaned by HIV/AIDS here:
South Africa has the largest HIV epidemic in the world, with 19% of the global number of people living with HIV, 1...See more

In the past few months there has been lots of activity at our partner Sethani including a graduation workshop for young men as part of the Youth Development Program and South African Heritage Day celebrations at the crèche.
The Sethani Youth Devel...See more

HIV prevalence among South African women is almost twice as high as men and rates of new infection for women between the ages of 15 and 24 are four times higher than that of men. This has been attributed to gender-based violence and gender inequality...See more

Vukukhanye Latest Update
Our partner CBO Vukukhanye in Chesterville (KZN) runs four projects – the Educare Centre – which enrols up to 60 kids under 6 years old, community- based welfare & Orphans and Vulnerable Children support, the Bursary Project...See more

Our CBO partner - The Thandanani Children’s Foundation - offers community based care and support for orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS and poverty in the Msunduzi district of KwaZulu-Natal. The organization works in areas such as P...See more

Congratulations to our Ride London team, they cycled 100 miles and together raised over £15,000 to help bring life, hope and opportunity to the children Starfish cares for. Thank you!

Our intrepid Investec team from the Reading office recently completed the Tough Mudder challenge, raising over £4,000 for our projects.

Today we heard from Mlungisi: “My brother and I slept without food. We used to put dry mealies on fire until it turns black then we would put it in a mug with hot water to make tea.” A Starfish care worker visited Mlungisi and his brother and after o...See more

A huge congratulations to our hardy Investec team who triumphantly scaled the 3 peaks in 24 hours at the week end. They have raised an incredible £10,000 to date! #teaminvestec

“Starfish came to my rescue and again it was revealed to me that there is light at the end of the tunnel”
Chawita,19, cared for thanks to Starfish donors since her childhood.

6,924 Children attended an after school programme in the last 12 months. keeping the kids safe, well fed and helping them learn.

Our Wellness Wagon in KZN is reaching over 3,000 children every year, offering testing and preventative care, and top to toe check up for vulnerable children in rural areas, far from any clinic.

Bophelo Home Based Care was founded in April 2001 by a group of women who took part in the community based awareness campaign. The mothers of Meadowlands community heeded a call by the Government of South Africa for women to play an active role in co...See more

Swa Vana Children's Project is a Starfish funded community-based organization meeting the needs of 500 orphaned and vulnerable children in the Huntington region of Mpumalanga province, close to the Kruger Park. The region is large, under-resourced in...See more
Quick Statistics
Income £ 328,271Total income in the last financial year.
Expenditure £ 201,707Total expenditure in the last financial year.
Projects 2Number of projects currently being implemented.
Employees 2Number of staff employed in the last financial year.
Volunteers 30Number of people who volunteered in the last financial year.
Update Score 2.69Number of updates divided by the number of projects. The higher the number, the better!